Mapping the Wall

“Hi this is Eric with the Zircon Tip Minute.  

Today we’re going to talk about why you need to map out your wall when you’re looking for a stud. The problem is you might be trying to find a regular stud; but, the wall may be hiding anything from pipes to wires. Not to mention, the occasional double or triple stud.

The reality is that you’ll need an advanced tool, like the Zircon MultiScanner i520, that will find all of these objects. Mapping out the wall is a vital step to be certain that the object that you found in the wall is actually a stud.

Mapping a wall makes a lot of marks, so it’s best to use a strip of painters tape and mark that instead. Put the tape at two different heights.

First mark the edges of the studs, not just the center’s. Studs should be about 1 ½  inches wide, mark several studs, they should all be the same width and their centers should be about 16 to 24 inches apart. Mark studs at more than one height. Studs will go from floor to the ceiling unless there’s a door or window in the way.

If you find objects between regular studs narrower than 1 ½ inches or an object that doesn’t go floor to the ceiling you might be dealing with a pipe, conduit or something other than a stud.

See our next video ‘Avoiding False Positives’ for more information.”

Eric, aka the Zircon Tip Guy and host of Zircon Tip Minutes on YouTube, shares essential tips about construction, general DIY, and your favorite Zircon tools that you can use in your DIY and home improvement projects. Drop him a line or post a comment on his YouTube page.