The Real World of Customer Service

What is Zircon in the Real World? My role, this blog, and my overall philosophy reflect one thing…the customer experience. I live by the motto, the customer is always right. In each diverse customer situation, it is important to listen, understand, and defer to the customer’s point of view whenever possible. The goal is to assist the customer and help solve the issue in a timely, personable, and efficient manner. How is this accomplished?

Here are five steps to customer centricity.

Step 1. Develop rapport & provide empathy.Where is the customer coming from? What is the individual’s perspective? Rather than insisting on being right which is counterproductive, establish a bond with the customer. It’s fair to say that no one particularly likes to call a customer support line and DIYers often contact us as a last resort. Customers are often frustrated and tired from working on the issue by the time I first talk to them. I am genuinely interested in helping customers in a friendly and knowledgeable manner. We both want to have a positive outcome – an amiable resolution. There is an old acumen: You have two ears and one mouth. I listen carefully and offer a lifeline.

Step 2Identify the problem. What is the main issue? During this customer analysis, determine the user’s tool understanding and the complexity of the problem. A weekend DIYer may have an easier issue to identify than a professional contractor. During this stage, ask probing questions (non-yes/no) to get to the root of the situation.

Step 3. Communicate the potential solutions. After reviewing the challenge, offer solutions. Often, offering step-by-step instructions and referencing a web page or YouTube video can be very helpful. At Zircon, we also offer an Interactive Support Center available online 24/7. This provides a timely aid for customers during non-business hours.

Step 4. Follow-up. You may often hear of the customer’s issue for the first time via social media or a third party site. Via Facebook, Twitter, or your other social media sites, offer to contact the person or have the individual contact you. Provide a link to a potential solution. Make sure to constantly review and offer suggestions via online sites, such as or

Step 5. Establish a customer survey. Customers have a rightful expectation of good customer service before, during, and after a sale. With our around-the-clock lifestyle, customers crave real-time solutions and should have instaneous access to information. Thriving manufacturers understand how important timely customer service is within the global marketplace. When a knowledgeable and personable customer support channel is available, this expands the company’s engagement with customers. Customers often uncover vital ways to improve a business, grow customer satisfaction, and increase efficiencies.

Customers decide how to rate the quality of the customer experience and will often voice negative remarks via public forums to voice their concerns. They are also likely to tell several friends of positive experiences which are often the best form of customer endorsement.

It’s all in a day’s work, and it makes my job compelling and rewarding.

Is the customer right? Maybe or maybe not. What’s important is that the customer is always treated as a unique individual and that customer service personnel, listen without prejudice or a pre-conceived mindset. Although this can be difficult at times, no one said customer service is an easy job. Customer service is a profession with very little room for doubt about who is #1. Exceeding the customer’s expectations each and every time is the paramount goal.  And that’s, in a nutshell, Zircon in the Real World.

For more insights on customers, please view our blog, “Product Innovation, The Customer is Always Right“, visit our resources blog, like our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter.

Tom is a user experience expert and Customer Service Manager at Zircon. He provides personalized training, education and service to high tech and hardware tool customers worldwide. All with a smile, to boot!