What is Zircon’s contact information?

Zircon Corporation is located in the Silicon Valley, California USA.

Zircon Corporation
1580 Dell Avenue
Campbell, California 95008, U.S.A.

Zircon Customer Service is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Closed 2022: 12/23-12/26
Closed 2023: 1/2, 2/20, 5/29, 7/4, 9/4, 11/23-11/24, 12/22-12/25

Main Phone Line & General Inquiries: 408-963-4550
Technical Support: 1-800-245-9265
Fax: 408-963-4597

General Info: info@zircon.com*
Technical Support: techsupport@zircon.com
Sales: sales@zircon.com
Media Support: marketing@zircon.com

* Please be advised Zircon Corporation does not send messages from info@zircon.com, only receives.
Messages from this address are not from Zircon Corporation and responding to a message, or clicking links, from such sender may cause serious damage to you or your computer/communication equipment.